Ylias Akbaraly, Chairman and CEO of Redland (holding of Thomson Broadcast, GatesAir and Sipromad Group), was one of the guests of the 25th edition of Harvard Business School’s Africa Business Conference which was held on March 24 and 25 in Cambridge, Massachusetts (USA).
This two-day conference is the largest African conference in the world organized for and by students. It serves as a platform to raise awareness of the business environment in Africa and this year will have as its theme: “Africa Accelerated: Leaps and bounds in the next decade”.
This event welcomed leaders, experts and media personalities who have had a strong economic impact in Africa and who could be sources of inspiration for young graduates future entrepreneurs.
Ylias Akbaraly shared the experience of a group born in Madagascar (Sipromad Group) which has been able to develop internationally through Thomson Broadcast (French subsidiary) and GatesAir (American subsidiary). He spoke on the panel: “Building and Sustaining Africa’s Hidden Giants: Lessons on building large companies in Africa that drive sustained value and impact for generations to come”, alongside other co-panelists from the African private and public sector.
“I thank Harvard University for this invitation because I had a great time at this conference. Meeting these young and future entrepreneurs from all continents and from all walks of life was incredible. They are so motivated and have an ambition common goal: that of committing to put their mark on the future of the African continent. I look forward to seeing how these brilliant students will shape the future of this beautiful continent that is Africa.”– Ylias Akbaraly, Chairman de Redland
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