Ylias Akbaraly in front of 600 Malagasy entrepreneurs: audacity, key to personal and professional success

Invited by Masterlife to the great seminar “Invincible” this Sunday, July 17th at the Novotel, Ylias Akbaraly – Chairman of Redland (holding of Sipromad & Thomson Broadcast Group) – was warmly welcomed by 600 entrepreneurs after his speech entitled. “The audacity to undertake and the will to succeed”.
In front of an assembly of Ambassadors, entrepreneurs, executives and journalists, Ylias Akbaraly spoke passionately about the creativity and intelligence of young Malagasy entrepreneurs and the consequent potentials for the country’s private sector, emphasizing the role of entrepreneurs in the development of the Malagasy economy.
Ylias Akbaraly emphasized the importance of education and vocational training, the attachment to human values, and tenacity in the face of challenges and obstacles, giving examples of his personal journey and his experience in transforming a Malagasy company into an economic actor recognized in Africa and in the world…
At the end of his speech, Ylias Akbaraly answered questions from the participants.

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