« It is a historic and symbolic day for the University of Antsiranana which aims to open up to the outside and private world by inviting personalities who share their journeys, their experiences and their successes so that we can inspire ».
Professor Kall Briant – President of the University of Antsiranana.

Invited by the University of Antsiranana to speak at a conference organized on Monday February 13, 2023 at the Hôtel de la Poste, Ylias Akbaraly – Chairman of Redland (holding of the Sipromad Group, Thomson Broadcast and GatesAir) – shared the keys of the success of the Sipromad Group to nearly seven hundred (700) students and young entrepreneurs from the University of Antsiranana.
With a first part moderated by Toky Rajaona from Masterlife on the theme of « Dare to think big », Ylias Akbaraly was able to hold the attention of the students who testified to a considerable positive impact on the idea they have of life entrepreneurship and its implications.
This conference – which was a great success – went viral on social media where all the young students published excerpts from the conference and selfies with Mr. Ylias Akbaraly.
« This is the first time that a big businessman has come to visit us in Diego and is interested in us. Ylias Akbaraly is a man of great inspiration and with a big heart. We are proud to have met him. » Sylvia, student at the University of Antsiranana.
« We arrived at 7:30 a.m. to make sure we could attend the conference. His advice inspired me a lot. I didn’t think he would have given us much time at the end of the conference and he listened to us. He gave time to each student who approached him. He is a man of great generosity. » Tafita, student from the University of Antsiranana.
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